The newly renovated gym has a lot to offer Spokane Falls Community College students. With the addition of an elevator, the gym floor is now in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act for the first time since the original construction decades ago.
The multi-story expansion of the facilities, along with a larger fitness center, offers a wide variety of options for SFCC students to get fit and workout, if they can get past the confusion over who must pay for the facility’s and how much.
In 2017, there was much confusion over gym fees, and over who should have free access to the gym. There is still some lingering confusion this year.
As of Oct. 8, the registration office, the information desk in building 17 and the cashier’s office were still informing students there were gym membership fees if students were not full time, and flyers at information desk stated the gym was free for full-time students.
Some representatives at the information booth and the cashier’s office were erroneously informed that free gym memberships were for full-time students only.
When the Director of Student Funded Programs Heather McKenzie WaitE was asked about students having to pay gym membership fees in 2017, she said,
“There was at first, then we went back to Athletics and said, ‘No, we gave you money to that students didn’t have to pay that additional fee.’ So, winter quarter they were given access and anyone paid that annual membership was given a rebate, was returned money.”
“It is supposed to be all fee-paying student,” said Ken Burrus, district dean for physical education and director of athletics, in reference to free access to the facilities.
Currently every student is assessed an $8.53 fee per credit for the gym, and are encouraged by Burrus to utilize the facilities.