
Tag! You’re the walking dead

The SFCC student government is facilitating a week long live-action game of tag called Humans vs. Zombies, a game where the objective is to remain human for as long as possible.

The game of Humans vs. Zombies (HvZ) originated at Goucher College in Baltimore, Maryland in 2005 by a small group of students looking to have some fun with the popular zombie craze on their own college campus.

Since the conception of the HvZ game 13 years ago, it has gained international attention and participation.

On the SFCC campus, the HvZ game of tag is open to all staff, faculty, and students wanting to play so long as they attend an orientation meeting and sign a waiver. The game will be played Oct. 15-19.

“It’s crazy but its so fun,” said Annie Powell of the SFCC ASG. “I’ve met so many students, its incredible.”

The game begins when an original zombie, “patient zero”, that is drawn randomly from a list of all participating humans.

The rules of the game are simple. Once patient zero is chosen, it is their job to infect as many humans as possible by tagging them and turning them into zombies. Humans try their best to outrun the growing zombie population or temporarily defend themselves by “stunning” a zombie with a balled-up pair of socks.

This year, 2 students were chosen as patient zero,Tato Darjany and Robbyn Yeager.

“I was pretty excited to be chosen as patient zero and quickly turned on my friends,” said Yeager. “I even proclaimed myself “Robbyn Queen of Zombies.”

All players participating in the game are identified by a name tag that is to be carried with them and the fluorescent orange bandana they wear. Zombies wear a bandana around their head, and humans wear their bandana around their arm. Once a human is tagged by a zombie, they must give the zombie their name tag and move their bandana from their arm to their head.

“If you like a competitive game of tag, and you like zombies, it’s going to be awesome fun,” said Cameron Stephens a previous participant in the Humans vs. Zombies game.

The Humans vs. Zombies game comes to a close on Friday Oct. 19 with a party in the Student Union Building. SFCC’s Humans vs. Zombies game is being sponsored by local Halloween stores and there will be prizes for the zombie that tags the most people as well as the last human standing by the end of the game.

“I’m looking forward to the zombie bash on Friday,” said Yeager. “And of course, not having to chase people down. I don’t think my legs can take much more running.”

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