The end of another academic year is approaching, and like any other year, many students are preparing to transfer to a four-year school to finish out their Bachelor’s degrees. For those students who are currently transferring or are planning to transfer in the future, here are a few things to keep in mind.
Apply to your desired transfer college. If you haven’t done so already, this is your reminder. While the priority application deadline has passed for most colleges, many have a final application deadline still open. According to Eastern Washington University’s website, the final application for the upcoming fall semester is Sept. 1, 2021. Washington State University’s website lists their priority application deadline for the fall semester is July 15, 2021. The University of Washington is no longer accepting applications for the fall, but if any students are so inclined, the winter application period opens on August 1, and ends on Sept. 1, 2021. Request your transcripts from SFCC now if you haven’t already, and get to applying!
Contact your counselors. For students that are graduating this June, you should have already applied for graduation and made sure all your requirements were met. Great! Now, if you haven’t, check in with your counselor at your transfer school. They’ll likely give you a comprehensive list of your next steps to make sure the transition is as easy as possible. Some degree programs have extra requirements or an extra step in the application process, so be thorough and follow up with your counselors. They’re there to help you!
Finally, enjoy your last couple of weeks at SFCC. While the past academic year has certainly been less social, don’t allow your time here to feel like a waste. You have accomplished something, and are one step closer to reaching your end goals. Now’s the time to look around, take a deep breath, and let yourself have a little fun.