There are many things that college students struggle with, from studying, working full time while maintaining a full course load. But most of all, eating healthy and getting affordable meals.
“You can actually do some pretty easy things with ramen actually,” said Rena Knapp.
Knapp works at a high school in Spokane as a cafeteria worker. The sheer amount of things you can do with ramen is astounding, with mixing leftover chicken with noodles and some cheese and you will feel like you are eating out at a 5 star restaurant. Now the price of a single unit of ramen is 0.49$ at Walmart, and the price of eggs is 3.49$ per carton.
Grab a pot put it medium heat bring the water to a boil, put in the ramen, grab some spices that you think taste good, crack open that thing of eggs crack an egg grab another pot with boiling water put in the egg (with the shell) wait 5 mins, take it out, put the ramen in a bowl and cut open the egg on top.
protein : 14.7g
calories : 458
Legitimately the easiest of recipes come from the simplest ingredients, when all its takes are a couple eggs and a pack of ramen.
All in all a good last minute resort food that’s quick and takes about 8 minutes to make, and is really cheap even with the aspect of inflation. Now it might not be the most tasty thing after a while, so you can mix it up by dumping in leftover meat I.e. chicken, that weird smelling thing in the back of your fridge.
Next we have Emma Hardy’s take on store bought ramen.
“Any ramen will do, don’t matter if its cup of noodles or those Traders Joe’s packets of ramen,” said Hardy. “I’m begging you don’t microwave eggs or meat please, it will not taste good and you will hate yourself in a couple hours afterwards.”
Hardy’s take on it involves lunch meat, one egg, a packet of ramen, doesn’t matter what kind of ramen as long as you have it. Throw it in a pot, with the lunch meat, salt and pepper to taste if your seasoning is very bland.
Finally, James Nead has a family “poor man’s meal” called a fried egg sandwich.
“First toast the bread, very lightly, a bit of mayo to spread, fry an egg, then pop the yolk cause you can’t afford to have it drippy,” said Nead. “And then assemble your sandwich.”
Nead goes on to say that you can have this every day and not get sick of it, if you have a bunch of sauces. Legitimately you can just go down to the dollar store or a Walmart and buy cheap sauces. It doesn’t matter if you like it or not as long as you have them you can trick your mind into thinking you aren’t eating the same meal every day.
“My sister only had chicken and bread and lettuce and she survived cause she had hot sauces,” said Nead. Hot sauce on everything makes it great. You can make a thousand different versions of the same thing. Don’t meal prep, meal plan. Don’t buy ingredients, buy staples, things that work for four different meals. Don’t buy lemons if you don’t know how to use them or need them or know how to cook with lemons.”