Judith Throop | SFCC Interpreting Training Program

When I was at Central Washington University during my undergraduate years, I worked in the cafeteria. I started off in the washroom and my job was sorting the huge trays of silverware that had just been washed. Sometimes, that silverware was so very hot. There was a definite system…first the forks because they were the easiest to grab, followed by the spoons, and lastly the knives. They all had to be put in the plastic cups, so that they could be placed in the dispenser for the students, all the while keeping an eye out for any lingering, gross food debris. I worked my way “up the ladder” and became a server for banquets and dinners at the President’s home. The different sets of china dinnerware, crystal and silverware they very grand. I was always pleased that my family and 4-H background taught me how to set a proper table setting. I loved the comradery and good times with my coworkers. Summers were the best because everything was so relaxed, and we would have the NFL players come to the football camps for a couple of weeks. Other jobs came and went, yet the cafeteria was my favorite.