When you open the door to Jupiter’s Eye Book Cafe the smell of books and coffee will greet you.
The bookstore/cafe is a new shop to Spokane, located on 411 W 1st Ave Suite 101. With a small fireplace, books scattered around the room, lo-fi jazz playing, coffee, and treats, Jupiter’s Eye Book Cafe has a cozy atmosphere.
Morgan Lynch owns and oporates the cafe. Lynch was born and raised in the Spokane area, and it has been her passion to add something of her own creation to the city. Lynch not only grew up in Spokane, but she also attended SFCC and gained her AA in graphic design.
“It’s been a dream for a really long time,” said Morgan Lynch, owner and operator. “I wanted to build a sort of place I would want to go to. Reading in coffee shops and bars is one of my all time favorite hobbies.”
Jupiter’s Eye Book Cafe is filled with locally made food. Scones, muffins, cookies, pastures, drinks, and more, Jupiter’s Eye Book Cafe has it! Employee Aubrey Houger handles much of the food at the cafe. Houger gained a general AA at SFCC, and a degree in Resturant Management from SCC.
“We get really good fresh made bread from Twenty-Seven Heaven,” said Houger. “We make an herb base compound butter in house that we use on our sandwiches, and I think that is a really nice elevated touch. The food is definitely cozy here.”
January 17, 2025, was the opening day of Jupiter’s Eye Book Cafe. Since its recent openings, the cafe has hosted several local authors and hopes to have more events, said Lynch.
Lynch strives to keep a variety of genres and book styles in her shop, and to taylor what is on the shelves to the demand of her customer base.
“We are a genre specific bookstore, so we have fantasy, scifi, mystery, horror,” said Lynch. “From there we have sub genres, so we’ve got romantacy, cyber punk, thriller, and cosy mystery. I’m excited to learn more about what people love, and tweak our inventory and our stock. It’s great being so small and so genre focused, we really can listen and make adaptations, and make it right for our audience. It’s been awesome getting to know our customers and what they like to read.”
The cozy atmosphere creates an environment for students to study and hangout.
“I like the combination of relaxing, and quiet time, with some books around, it makes it feel appropriate, to be quiet and not really be overwhelmed,” said student Jaden Ives.
“I think it is a really cosy spot to study, read, or get a lot of homework done,” said Lynch. “We’ve got wifi, drinks, and snacks. We also have a large table if you want to bring a study group, book club, or a game club. If you can choose to set that time aside to enjoy a book, settle in, and have time with friends, that pays off so much.”
Jupiter’s Eye Book Cafe’s unique name stemmed from several places. One of Lynch’s favorite books “The Three Investigators,” by Robert Aurthor, contains a character named Jupiter Jones. In addition, Lynch also chose the name because of the peacefulness within Jupiter’s Great Red Spot, or “Eye.”
Though Jupiter’s Eye Book cafe has only been open a short time, they are grateful for the people who have come to see Spokane’s only book cafe.
“Thank you to Spokane,” said Lynch. “It’s been a blast! Come on down!”
Anyone who wants to settle down and enjoy a moment of silence, a good book, or community, is accepted at Jupiter’s Eye Book Cafe.
“I want to spread that joy that I feel here,” said Houger. “It’s such a caring community type feel, you’re very welcome here.”
411 W 1st Ave Suite 101, Spokane WA 99201
Tuesday- Saturday: 10AM- 8PM
Sunday: 10AM-3PM
Monday: Closed