Artist Caitie Sellers’ Scenes from an Underpass is the SFCC Fine Art Gallery’s most recent resident. The collection features drawings and sketchbooks, as well as mixed-medium metal sculpture.
“Scenes from an underpass is an ode to a small area in the very heart of Richmond, Virginia,” says Sellers. “This span of four city blocks is home to the city’s oldest architecture, a rare triple railroad crossing, and the towering interchange of Interstate 95, all stacked upon itself. I can’t help but be awed by the overwhelming layers of human development. Stubborn vegetation, sprawl, guts, growth, and decay.”
The art collection is representative of the common underpass urban scenery found throughout Spokane.
Sellers’ collection was brought to campus by Gallery PRogram Director and art professor, Cozette Phillips.
“What’s great about our gallery,” says Phillips, “is that one-hundred percent of the sales go to the artist, we are an educational gallery that supports artists. That’s what’s really special about where we work.”
The Fine Arts Gallery provides an opportunity for exposure of unique art, reflection of educational values, and offers students a chance to do something neat while on campus.
“It’s a come as you are gallery,” says Phillips.
Students are encouraged to walk through the gallery and experience the current exhibit. The SFCC Fine Arts Gallery can be found straight-ahead from entering the main entrance of Building 06, entrance to the gallery is at no cost.