SFCC Getting An Uplift On Their Gym
SFCC’s gym renovation project is finally underway and will provide an upgraded facility capable of meeting the athletic needs of today’s students.
The new SFCC gym located on the site of building 7 had its groundbreaking Wed, Apr. 5 at 12:30 p.m. The current gym is over 50 years old, making these upcoming changes and additional equipment necessary for modern standards. These changes will also expand the building and make it more accessible to disabled students, which will help keep the school meet current standards and stay competitive with other colleges and universities.
“I am excited that all areas of the facility will now be fully accessible and available to all of our students,” said Ken Burrus, dean of physical education at SFCC. “I am also excited that all of the top priorities recommended by students, the climbing wall, lounge spaces, etc. have been included in the project.”

Burrus has helped out with the plans for the gym and hopes students will not need to pay fees to use the facility once it’s up and running.
The hope is that the gym will be free to students and alumni. Different ideas for the new gym came from student suggestions.
2014-2015 school year was when the renovation was proposed. Construction is planned to be completed in November 2018.
The old gym was not compliant with the American Disability Act.
“I am happy that the gym is compliant now for ADA,” said Ben Alexander, SFCC’s activies vice president.
The school plans to use $100,000 from both SCC and SFCC’s available funds to pay for the first year of operation, after which they will be able to more accurately predict costs for future use.
The board of trustees was initially considering cutting additional funding from school clubs to help pay for the renovation. With help from SCC and the funding plan in question the school should not have to cut these student club funds.