The construction of the new Fine and Applied Arts Building will take place over the next few years. While that happens courses that took place in the old buildings will have to be moved.
Building 11 was where the photography program and courses were held. All of these courses have been moved to a temporary home in Building 16.
While there is significant new construction happening for the new building, portions of the old buildings will be saved, specifically equipment used by the photography program.
“We [salvaged] as much as we could from building 11 [and] reused it in Photography’s temporary (2+ years) space in building 16,” Iren Taran, with ALSC Architects, said. “Including sinks, casework & even light fixtures.”
There is a dark room, as well as all of the equipment these courses will need for the next two years. Some of it will make its way to the new building while others will be replaced with new equipment during the completion of the building’s construction.
“Other items were put into storage until then,” Bonnie Glantz, Dean of Visual and Performing Arts, said. “The items that were very old, but could still be used by others were ‘surplussed’ which means they went to a central location where all of CCS sends their older/discarded furniture and equipment. From there, sometimes they will go to another part of the CCS system to be used, sometimes they will be sold in a public auction.”
The goal for the new Fine and Applied Arts Building is to meet standards by LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environment Design).
“We are working to achieve LEED Silver Certification,” Taran said.
This means a large amount of materials from Buildings 6 and 11, are too old and worn to be repurposed for this project. Much like the old wood lockers in Building S6, they are too old to salvage. However, they will be relocating old doors for possible future projects.
“Building 6 will remain intact and continue to be used as the new building is being built,” Glantz said. “We have already taken inventory of the items that will go to the new building when they move. Those items that don’t make the move will go through the same process described above. We have talked to the architects about trying to take the tiles from the wall and find a new location in the new building.”
The graduation tile will stay safe on a wall in Building Six and can be found there until the building’s demolition, planned for 2023. After that students will have to look to find their new home on campus.