Since the beginning of this quarter, students have not been allowed access to the gym here at SFCC.
As of right now students have been denied access to the gyms. But it might not be as scandalous as it seems.
“There’s a bit of discrepancy between athletics department, ASG, and students,” said Willow Zimmerman, ASG president. “There hasn’t been enough staff available to help all students.”
Safety seems to be a big concern to the faculty at SFCC. To have access to the gym, students must be taking a fitness class so that they know how to use the machines properly without damaging equipment.
“Athletics department has put a committee together,” says Zimmerman. “Who are working to solve the logistics of when we can open the fitness center and begin staffing more people.”
With the impending completion looming large, SFCC will need to make sure that they have the proper staff needed to correctly operate the new facility. It seems that the issue of money and finding the right staff members is making it a bit trickier than originally thought.
“It’s not that they don’t want to staff,” says Zimmerman. “It’s just figuring out the logistics of where the money will come from to pay their salaries.”
Spring quarter of last year, members of ASG met with Ken Burress to discuss a proposed plan to build a brand new gym here at SFCC.
“We were happy to give money to athletics for renovation of the gym,” says Zimmerman. “We’re excited to see how the gym turns out and how our money is being spent.”
According to the sign in front of the construction site, the new gym will include a climbing wall, student lounges, new concessions, an expanded fitness center and more.
“Currently all students can access tennis courts and tracks,” said Zimmerman, “students could access the gym but it’s under construction until June of 2018.”
The original goal was for the gym to be completed by fall this year at SFCC, but so far it just hasn’t panned out.

“We were expecting that since we gave the Athletics department $30,000 that at least the fitness center would be open to all students by fall 2017,” said Zimmerman. “However that didn’t happen because of logistical reasons.”
Originally, both of the ASGs from SFCC and SCC came together and reached a settlement of a certain amount of money.
“I know that the ASG from SFCC and SCC decided to match payment up to $50,000 to pay for the gym,” said Zimmerman.
To afford the new gym, the school has plans in the future to possibly increase tuition. As of right now there has been no addition to costs, but don’t be surprised if it shows up.
“Currently we have no idea on cost,” said Zimmerman. “But it will not be as large a cost like you would have at a bigger university.”
Hopefully soon the students of present and future will be able to enjoy the brand new facilities with all of its new features.