Located in Building 30, room 115, the free clothing shop is an open-to-all resource to which any current student at SFCC can utilize. As the name suggests, the shop is completely free to peruse and get apparel from.
Dahveed Bullis is one of the faculty members that runs the shop. His tasks include donations, appointments, and drop-ins.
“Drop-ins are welcome, as long as the office is open, it’s open!” Bullis said. “There’s no expectation of donations.”
However, students as well as faculty are welcome to donate any unwanted and wearable clothing to the shop. Donations often rotate and the shop receives donations weekly on average. Anything leftover at the end of the quarter is then taken to Goodwill to be donated at the thrift store.
“There’s no limit to how much you can take. If you need it, take it,” said Bullis, stating students often come in for all different styles and accessories..
How often the shop is used varies by quarter, with fall and winter quarter seeing a higher influx of students.
“The winter and colder months get busier,” said Bullis.
“It’s awesome to see people use the shop as it’s a great resource for them. There’s many frequent fliers, but new faces are always nice to see.”
The best way to support the clothing shop on campus is to simply get the word out.
“Tell your friends, if there’s something they need,” said Bullis.
Although drop-ins are welcome, if students would like to make an appointment to explore the shop they would need to reach out to Bullis himself or Gloria Benegas-Zavala. Another staff member involved with the shop and her contact information can be found on the SFCC website under the MOSAIC’s “Student Resources” page.
Gloria weighed in on her own experiences working within the shop.
“Students take advantage a lot, they are constantly making appointments, “ said Benegas-Zavala.
“We are very thankful for the faculty and staff that donate clothing. They have been very kind and generous, always donating and bringing more clothes.”
Several students have utilized the shop for gathering interview-ready clothing for employment opportunities and other professional endeavors. Clothing that can be found includes suits, jackets, ties, dress pants, and shoes.
“It used to be mostly professional clothing, but has grown into more as students and staff donate,” said Benegas-Zavala.
“We’re hoping we can go around classrooms to talk about MOSAIC and shop more, get the word out there and advertise.”
She regularly sends out emails and notifications to faculty and students with encouraging updates and reminders.
A recent customer of the clothing shop is Tasha Lindquist, a current student.
“I’ve found a lot of great stuff for totally free which I think is the best part of it being zero cost,” said Lindquist.
“It is really helpful mostly because many of us, as college students, struggle financially. It’s hard spending money on clothes we need that aren’t always in the budget because things are getting more expensive. So, I think the clothing shop is great for that.”