Man on the street

Man on the Street

What do you think of Trump’s immigration plan?

John Tolentino


 “I tried to just ignore the situation and not really pay attention to him when he would have a speech or debate.”

Christian Walko

“He didn’t involve other countries and was being biased towards different countries. I think it’s stupid and ignorant and Donald Trump should not be our president.”

Reed Haland

“I agree there is a problem with our immigration system but the overall thing is we should let any race come in if they want to. It shouldn’t matter what color you are or ethnicity.”

Westin Chandler

“I believe it’s unjust that the 96 other countries go against what America makes itself out to be, which is, freedom, loyalty and respect. And it’s making our country look bad.”

Elaina Nelson

“I think it’s stupid and prejudice. It’s not equal at all and it’s bringing America’s name down.”

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