Editor-in-Chief Signing Onto Fall Quarter

The passion for this paper, for writing, for reporting and for creating comes from deep within the heart and mind. Mostly the mind.
The paper is one thing that I have been taught to love and cherish and be excited about every print day over the last year. I started off Fall quarter of 2016 as the Opinion editor and now stand as the Editor in Chief, and it is an amazing feeling.
I hope everyone is having a great school year so far, and that it continues to become even greater.
The goal of our paper is not only to inform the campus of what is going on on campus, but also to bring to light little parts of our campus that most people do not know about.
I hope this first issue is helpful to new and old students alike at finding useful bits of information about campus, as it is the orientation issue.
I would like to thank our staff for working hard and also the reader for picking up this paper and spreading around our name.