A journalist is someone who works for the people to provide unbiased information to inform readers about what is happening in the world.
The Communicator has been publishing since its founding in 1968 and has worked to provide the SFCC community with entertainment and information for the ages. It has never missed an issue.
Our team strives to learn about new topics and activities around campus to offer as much information to the student body as possible.
I have had the great pleasure of being a part of this amazing team for two quarters and it has helped me immensely.
My time with The Communicator started with being a writer and acting as the managing editor during this last winter quarter. It taught the importance of time management. I not only had to keep track of my timeline, I had to focus on the overall timeline of each issue.
Good time management can create a stable working environment and lowers the stress of everyone involved in the task at hand. During layout week of each issue, our small team came together and made a paper that we had only imagined. While it had some bugs and typos to work out, it was better than I ever thought was possible.
With a lot of interests growing up I was always unsure of my future career. I felt this way until I joined The Communicator team. I questioned if I was in the right major until my first day. Brainstorming story ideas, pitching design ideas, talking to students and writing my first few stories gave me a feeling I had been searching for, a feeling I hope every student gets when they find their major. It’s a feeling of being at home in one’s field.
Being a Journalism Major, I have found my calling, and I hope the adventure continues to take off from here.
I enjoyed learning about the history of media, but when I joined the newspaper I could see myself happily doing this everyday. I could see myself ten years from now continuing to write and learn about new things. I look forward to being part of a career force that seeks out the unbiased truth even when it is hard and strives to educate others about the world.
During the winter quarter our team accomplished a redesign of the paper under Derek Tresner, the previous Editor-in-Chief.
We continued that redesign this quarter, focusing on bug fixes and fine tuning. As a team we chose to focus on the quality of our stories, while also trying to keep it entertaining for our readers. Even though we had a small four-person team, we accomplished two amazing issues filled with information that will help students and staff.
I have loved my time being a part of this amazing journalism team. It has given me the confidence and focus, while confirming that this is my dream.
To the readers, thank you for reading our work, and supporting us all of these years. To my team: Thank you! I appreciate your patience, and kindness. I have enjoyed becoming your colleague and I have become friends with every one of you.
I leave you with this quote that sums up my feelings about moving on from this team.
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard” – Winnie the Pooh.
Thank you, and signing off.