Lois Lane and Clark Kent in 1978’s “Superman” were my introduction to the world of journalism. Watching a woman champion knowing the truth and making sure everyone else could too intrigued and inspired me.
She also freaked me out. I didn’t think I could ever be like her. While I haven’t had any superheroes fall for me, I have unlocked my passion for sharing stories and information with the world around me. I’ve found a place where I’ll never be bored. I found a place to be me.
In January 2019, I walked internally trembling into The Communicator’s newsroom. Trying the class at the encouragement of my husband, I had no idea what to expect or how it would change my life. Throwing myself in the deep end, I applied for and was given the job of managing editor. My first story was about the Inlander’s Restaurant Week. My EIC and new friend, Maddie, accompanied me to help show me how it was done, as well as photograph for the article. I’ve always loved seeing how things work behind the scenes. Watching the team work to develop the “menu” for the event was fascinating. Trying samples brought by chefs from the areas wasn’t too shabby either.
Since then, I have been able to work on a variety of stories as well as serve as the EIC. I’ve traveled to NYC attending the CMA conference and representing The Communicator as it won second place in a national competition for two year college papers. I’ve made friends who gave me space to be me. To be completely me. To pursue interests that I’d suppressed because I felt alone and scared in wanting to try them. These last couple years, anxiety and depression have been major players in my life. I’ve started counseling and have been encouraged by those in the newsroom that it’s a good thing to do and that it’s okay to have bad days. They’ve played a role in saving my life and giving it a focus. I will love them forever because of that being a part of their friendship.

Reporting is fun, but my heart belongs to editing. I adore building a paper and talking with the team about story ideas and such. To design a page and see it come to life. An active behind-the-scenes role is one in which I’ve always thrived. As well as needing to sometimes work quickly, I work better with a deadline in three hours than one in a week. The adrenaline wakes me up. I’ve always struggled with becoming bored with a job that had little change to it. Through my time at the paper, I discovered my perfect environment. There is a foundation that is similar each time and a system that I can alter and change as needed with the information that flows through changing. It’s new content. I absolutely love it.
I found myself at SFCC. The newsroom and those who lived in it with me gave me a space to be myself and grow. I felt like I could fly. That winter quarter changed my life. I found passion for things and direction for careers I could steer my education toward. The experiences I’ve had have been unlike anything I could have even imagined. The friends I’ve made have helped me in countless ways. I had a community that I belonged in. I’ve learned more about music (now addicted to the Jonas Brothers. Thanks Maddie!) and different foods. I tried the impossible burger in NYC at a vegan restaurant that was the cutest place I’ve eaten with some of the best fries I’ve ever had.

I learned more about my school during my time at The Communicator. When I first started as a college student with little idea of what I wanted to do, I was frustrated to be at a community college. It felt like I wasn’t truly at college. I didn’t make friends. I did my homework and moved on. But then I started to connect with people on campus. I realized the mecca that was to be had in a place designed to help one figure out their path in life both personally and professionally. The teachers and friends who have played a role in where I am today have my eternal gratitude. They nurtured my interests and gave me encouragement and hope. Community college is the perfect place to try things that interest you and to be you. You never know what you’ll find if you don’t try.

The last 15 months have been a wild ride. It’s hard to say goodbye. But the time is right to take this next step. The Communicator and those who work on her will always have a piece of my heart. I walked in not knowing what career I wanted to pursue or how to be all me but I will walk out having an idea of what I want to and that all me is the best me. What I’ve learned here will stay with me my entire life. You’ve given me a map and a direction to follow as I set off on my next adventure.
Thank you to the teachers who have encouraged my interests in different topics.
Thank you to those who have supported me in hard times and spoken truth into my confusion.
Thank you to SFCC for being a garden for me to grow and bloom in.
Thank you.