Are libraries boring? If you don’t read, they probably are. Nonetheless, SFCC’s library has something for everyone, there is an abundance of resources at students’ disposal.
SFCC’s campus library is updating its technology while also continuing to broaden its range of physical volumes. Whatever you may need for your education, the library is a resource that is available to all students to help them through their studies.
The library is currently offering an opportunity to students who may be looking for some extra study help. From 5 to 7 p.m. every Wednesday the north end of the library (Building 2) will be open for academic coaching, extended study hours, access to technology, snacks, and various resources.
Starting on December 4, the library plans to host Nights at the Library, depending on the first one’s success. Gaby Arroyo works with the archives and is helping with the process of getting it started.
Night at the Library will be similar to the library’s normal hours but elevated in more than a few ways. Free snacks will be provided, games with prizes, and academic coaching among other things.
“If everything goes well,” Arroyo said. “We will do this every single quarter.”
The library has many staff members each committed to making students’ academic lives easier.
Kasey Correll, who works at the circulation desk, helps students with broader questions about the library while also assisting in checkouts.
“We have books, DVDs, magazines, portable DVD players, ILLs [Interlibrary Loans], and we’re looking into getting external drives for computers,” Correll said. “We also have course reserves in the back that are on hold for students. They are two-hour checkouts that have to stay in the library.”
The library offers a quiet place of study, and a place for groups to work on projects located on the first and second levels (study rooms are upstairs). Apart from the Circulation Desk, there is also the Technology Desk ready to equip students with any technological needs they may have.
Sara Kelly works at the Technology desk and guides students on how to print, scan, and connect to Wi-Fi, while also granting access to the study rooms.
The library also has an Innovation Room that is open to students. It is a studio room that has a PC, Mac, and microphone that students can use for graphic design, podcasts, film editing, and more.
“We are trying to get a grant,” Kelly said. “And in the grant, we want to get a nicer mic, a synthesizer, and a keyboard.”
If students need help with getting sources or having trouble with citations and how to write in MLA, APA, and other academic styles, the library’s Reference Desk may be of assistance. TJ Carter helps students find sources for research across all disciplines. It does not matter what class it is, he specializes in showing students how to use and apply the resources available when writing a paper.
“I recommend students schedule a research appointment,” Carter said. “We do appointments in the library at the reference desk, or online via Zoom.”
Although it may seem that libraries are moving toward an exclusively digital database for resources, SFCC’s library offers both digital and physical books and resources.
“Librarians are still requesting physical items,” Arroyo said. “After COVID we started requesting more physical items. We still order physical items and we won’t stop.”
SFCC’s library staff members want the students to utilize the resources so readily available to them. From the digital databases to the quiet study spaces, there is something to be of use to someone. All information regarding the library’s resources can be found at the circulation desk.
“Come in and utilize the spaces and all that the library offers,” Kelly said. We are tied to every path, so come use the resources.”