As our world becomes more electronic and online it becomes important to have a strong Cybersecurity infrastructure. The past five years saw smart devices such as ,phones,TVs, watches, and other devices increase rapidly in sales exposing more people to threats of cyber attacks.
“Cyber attacks are always lurking in the shadows,” said Brad Severs, a cyber security analyst for a bank. “It only takes one mistake sometimes for your information to be stolen.”
Cyber attackers use a method called Phishing where they send an email or phone call pretending to be the victims bank or website that can give the attackers access to credit card numbers and other information. These types of attacks are common and with careful observation can be detected. If you are not sure about an email it is recommended to contact the company that the attackers could be using as a disguise.
There can be financial attacks where hackers get card information from bank hacking or even devices called Credit card skimmers. Derek Howard, a cashier at Maverick convenience store, discussed an experience he had when a skimmer was installed on a card reader at the store.
“The skimmer was on for about 15 minutes before we noticed the card readers rubber edge was hanging off,” he said. “It was very hard to even tell what it was since it was made to look like it was naturally part of the card reader.”
Luckily for the customers the type of skimmer required the perpurpratrators to come back and pick up the skimmer to get any of the stolen information.
To keep up with the need for cybersecurity, the job market has an estimated growth of 31% until 2029 according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics putting the field well above the 4% average of job growth rate.
The main entry way into Cyber Security is a bachelor degree, and luckily for any interested SFCC has both a Bachelors and Associates program for Cybersecurity.
“This BAS degree is aimed at students who already have completed an associate of applied science (AAS) degree in information technology, which also is offered at SFCC,” SFCC website said.
These degrees teach the broad and theoretical knowledge in this growing and demanding field. All other Bachelors programs available at SFCC are part of the management, information systems, and technology. Spokane Community Colleges websites as well as CCS counselors can help with any further information.