This May students will vote to fill three vacant student government ASG positions.
Open positions include ASG President, Academic Vice President and Activities Board Vice President.
“For President we have nominated Alicia Villa, for Academics Vice President we have Crystal Aguilar, and for Activities we have Warren Soco, Juan Ramirez-Gonzalez and Destiny Wallace,” said Kim Jones, the current Academic Vice President.
The ASG Elections are held every spring. This year the elections will be held on May 2.
To run for any ASG position, a student must petition for fifty signatures and have a 2.5 GPA. Once a student is approved the campaigning for the positions begins. The student is given $50 for campaign funds to advertise for the position.
“We actually just had to fire our treasurer because their GPA dropped,” said Michael San Miguel, a senator in the ASG.
Ethan Erickson, the current president of the ASG, explained the position of presidency.
“My job is to lobby for and stand by the needs and wants of the student body,” said Erickson. “In the Board of Trustees Meeting I give a report on the happenings of ASG and make sure the administration is aware of student needs.”
The other positions that are available have different jobs they must fulfill as well.
“The Activities Board VP, Mary manages the programmers who plan the events,” said Jason Deroose, a programmer on the activities board.
There is a limit to how much the programmers can spend on the events.
“The programmers are given a certain budget that they can spend on events which is updated every quarter,” said San Miguel.
“The Academic V.P,. Kim, is in charge of running campus events, as well as overseeing the senate and their meetings, making sure they go smoothly and that they do what they need to do,” said San Miguel.
“Student government officers are paid $13.19 an hour at 15 hours a week as a form of work study,” said Alicia Villa
The student government also helps manage student services.“The ASG has some say in managing facilities; for instance, we were responsible for doing the survey on the Sodexo cafeteria,” said San Miguel. “We asked what the students thought of the quality of the food, if the prices were fair among other things.”
“We surveyed about a hundred students and then turned the results over to administration to determine where or not Sodexo needed to be improved.”