
Advisors: Good or Bad?

Are advisors really helpful in the success of students throughout their educational career? The belief is that advsiors are there to help students organize their schedules and manage their time to make their time in college successful and enjoybale. Students are able to come speak to their advisors with problems with their classes or just get advice on what classes to take. Some find this help either unnecessary or actually not helpful at all. Students say that advisors have so many people to help that they never give the assistance that is needed. A bad image has been put next to advisors because many share the same opinion that advisors don’t do their job. Other students, however, simply don’t need to help at all and don’t want it.

Conner Nuckols  In my experience at the counseling center there has been one word that I have come to expect to hear everytime I go there.
That magical word is ‘No’.

Gage Lewis  The counselor center, while not most efficient or the most helpful, does offer an important service.

Conner Nuckols  Now they aren’t just saying no to say no, they are saying no because they think that what they tell us to do is the best way for a student to succeed, I get that.

Gage Lewis  Some of our peers may be proficient in understanding the degree worksheets and signing up for the right classes but not all of us do, at least not until we are at the mercy of an 8.5 by 11 inch piece of printer paper.

Conner Nuckols  But here’s the problem. I go to the counceling center after talking to the teachers who teach the classes I want to take and ask them if their class will work towards some credits I need and if it fits my needs then I consider it. Yet even when I do all that if the counselor doesn’t like the plan then they will tell me no or try to talk me out of it.

Gage Lewis  My own misunderstanding of classes and credits and how they apply to my AA may cause me to be here two to three quarters longer than I originally planned. All because i didn’t understand where certain credits fit into to jenga tower that is a two year degree.

Conner Nuckols  Here is my advice for students who have issues with the counseling center.Before you register for your classes, take the time to do your homework. Go to the schools website and look at the classes you might want to take and then make contact with the teacher teaching sed class. Ask them what the class can go towards and if it works for you then take it.

Gage Lewis  If I weren’t so absent minded and actually tried to meet with my counselor and asked the right questions I would be graduating after this spring quarter instead of next winter.

Conner Nuckols  Basically if students do everything online and talk to teachers directly then we kind of eliminate the middle men who will steer us in the wrong direction trying to steer us in the right direction. Well I guess I shouldn’t say wrong direction, more like direction we don’t want to take.

Gage Lewis  The major importance of our councillors serve, helping us choose the rights classes and not get 25 credits  behind on a degree.

Conner Nuckols  If a student has a plan, a plan that will work that is, then they should be able to exercise sed plan. They shouldn’t be talked out of a plan because they want to take Biology 110 instead of 160.

Gage Lewis  What I will concede is that people who choose walkins over an appointment won’t get their assigned counselor and from my own experience won’t get the same treatment or sincerity.

Conner Nuckols  I think the counseling center is great for real troubled students who have no clue what they want to do, but to those of us who know what we want to do and accomplish than I say eliminate the middle man and just talk to the teachers.

Gage Lewis  Yeah well your stupid.

Conner Nuckols ):



Alisha Allen Honestly, in my experience, advisors have just kind of been “there”. I’ve never really been dependent on them, I’ve only met with them because I’ve had to. I couldn’t register for spring quarter classes unless I met with my counselor which I didn’t particularly like, despite the fact that I did end up having some questions about my classes. I don’t think it should be a requirement, though. Advisors have so many students to attend to that they never give 100% to each student, simply because it’s almost impossible. I think avisors should be available for when students actually have questions, this would eliminate the excess students who don’t really want or need their help and would give the advisors more time and attention to the students who may need their help. I don’t think they’re a bad thing, I just think they are forced upon students too much and their attention is forced beyond its capacity.

Ellen Wilder I’m in the disability office, and I didn’t know my advisor was actually my advisor, I just went to her for help with my problems. My old advisor had retired and it was a setback having a new advisor. They’re helpful when it comes to choose classes.

Aleisha Smith Advisors are really helpful. They helped me for spring quarter by giving me really good advice.

Virginia Hodges Advisors are useful, but they’re hard to get a hold of.

Amber Anderson Charlene Barker, I love her. I started seeing her last quarter and she tweaked and retweaked my schedule to make it work for me. She’s fantastic!

Darinth Douglas   Advsisors are both helpful and not helpful. It depends on the person and the program. For example, the dean of computer science is somewhat helpful, but he is more helpful when you’re getting towards the end of your degree.

Joseph Pumphery  They set me up with too many classes that I didn’t need to take. I never felt like I needed the help from the advisors and I could’ve figured it out myself. They put me in a position that I didn’t want to be in.

Hillary Cerda  Somewhat. Theyre lazy, and they don’t take the time to work out the problem

Meghan Kirk I don’t like to get involved with arguments so here is a pretty picture to cheer everyone up.

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