
Craving Change for a better tomorrow

Most people create resolutions for the new year, ways to change one’s life for the better. There are also people who don’t.

Some people treat every day as an opportunity to make a change. Dakota Lovins, an SFCC student, didn’t make any resolutions for 2019.

Many of the goals that people create at the beginning of each year are abandoned and forgotten before February begins.

According to a flyer from Sheri Staudinger, the SFCC Wellness Coordinator, a yoga instructor and Wellness Club adviser, there are five stages of change; precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance.

Staudinger focuses on the third stage and highlights practical ways it can be part of daily life.

The first step is deciding to make a change. Then to come up with a plan. All you need to do is find that first baby step and stick with it.

One example is taking what you enjoy eating and doing so in moderation. Then you add the prep

work“.Take the foods you like to make or you like to eat,” she said. “Create a healthy version of it and then start building those on Sunday for the week.”

You will spend less time being hungry and grabbing whatever is close by. Your body will get the nourishment it needs, she said. Once it gets it, it will start to crave

it. Next, try it for 30 days. If that’s successful. Try another change for 30 days. Build on the small victories. Make it about a new lifestyle.

Here are ways you can start on the path to change:

Drink more water

Aim for 8 glasses a day. Our bodies are mostly water. Without water we’ll die. Do yourself a favor. Drink water. Don’t die.

Add protein to lunch

Protein helps us get that energy we need to make it through the day.

Go check out the new gym features

Go three times a week for 10 to 15 minutes. The staff are there to help you!

Take the student wellness challenge

Through Feb. 8, you can pull from the list of 70 simple things to try that can help create a healthy habit. You can pick up the list at the Wellness Office in building 7.

Here are nine ideas from it that you can try each day between now and when the challenge ends!

#3 Sit tall while watching TV to strengthen your core

#5 Drink water before a meal

#9 Take a family walk after dinner

#21 Eat from a smaller plate

#35 Sit up straight in class and smile

#42 Choose an activity that fits into your daily life; one you enjoy

#50 Do not over schedule yourself; use your planner (If you don’t have a planner, pick one up!)

#53 Take the stairs instead of elevator

#60 Do not skip breakfast

If you complete 60 of these activities and turn the form in by Feb. 8, you will receive a free T-shirt at the end of the quarter.

Some professors might count this as extra credit. Connect with Staudinger for more information.

Regardless of what you do, it’s important to remember not to take away something you love. Satisfy that craving. All you need is a taste to do so.

“I just love the smell of fat, Staudinger said. “I would love to eat that whole thing of fries but because I don’t want to fall into what I’ve done before, I’d eat one.”

For More Information:

The Wellness Club meets on Wednesdays from 1:30 to 2:30 in the cafeteria VIP room about every other week. FREE FOOD. All are welcome. The goal is to support one another as everyone comes form all different walks of life with a common goal to take care of themselves.

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