When it comes to the topic of religion, many people turn away and look for an easier, safer topic. But what about those students who want to talk about it? The students that want a safe place to go and worship, or meet new people? Where can they go?
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Spokane, which is located at 4340 W Fort George Wright Dr, Spokane, is not like a normal church of Christianity or any other religion. This church focuses on Enlightenment thinking, Philosophy and Logic, while at the same time, welcoming all people of all religions and even the religionless, i.e. Atheists and Agnostics.
“Unitarianism always emphasizes humanity and humanitarian teachings,” said Todd Eklof, the minister at the Unitarian Universalist Church.
The Unitarian Universalist Church attracts a wide variety of people, ranging from students to professors of both Gonzaga and SFCC. But the church really catches the attention of emerging millennials.
Another church, or religious organization that welcomes all people, whether they truly believe in it or not is The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. This is a newer religion, as it was started in 2005, and welcomes all who want to join, even those who are already in a religion.
Many believe that The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is a satirical play on religion, but it is very much so a real religion.
“It’s not a joke,” said Bobby Henderson, Creator and founder of Pastafarianism, “Elements of our religion are sometimes described as satire and there are many members who do not literally believe our scripture, but this isn’t unusual in religion. A lot of Christians don’t believe the Bible is literally true – but that doesn’t mean they aren’t True Christians.”
Pastafarianism gives people a chance to meet other people from around the world and shows that there is a safe place for them to go.
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