You go through high school researching what you want to be, and spend your whole senior year researching what you would like to go to college for, if you want to attend college.
Then when college actually starts, students discover they have no idea what they would like to study so they go through their first year “undecided.” Now there’s a new rule that students need to know what their degree is before enrolling and must maintain a 2.0 GPA to receive and keep financial aid, and students are freaking out about it. Whether it’s kids or sickness or even to go screw around, missing homework or something else, students tend to blame the school. I say they need to stop being such cry-babies.
I’m 19 years-old, and I’ve had a very weak immune system since I was little. I get one sickness, and can catch another one on top of that, and pretty soon I’m in the hospital. At the end of March and throughout April of this year, I had two viruses that compounded and attacked my immune system and put me in the hospital. It took me out of work and school. I had to wear a mask if I was able to get out of bed and go to the store.
I am the Sports editor for SFCC newspaper, and like everyone else in the class I have to do my share in stories. Because I was sick, I was unable to do stories and attend interviews so now I am busting my butt to get the required number of stories into the paper so I can still pass the class. I am also working hard to pass my Math class, which hasn’t been easy.
I’m not complaining or freaking out about this. I knew that going into college I would have to work hard to pass, and I’m having to work even harder to keep up. College isn’t something you can attend at your leisure and expect to be successful. You work hard and go to class.
Even if you have kids who might get sick and cause you to miss school, that’s not an excuse to fail a class. You chose to attend college and participate and just like everyone else, you will have to work harder to do it. You’re a single mother? I’m sorry, if you can’t attend school everyday then maybe you need to do online classes or maybe college isn’t right for you.
You get sick like me all the time? I don’t feel sorry for you. You have to attend class the days you can, and keep in contact with your advisors and work extra hard to not fail.
If you just want to get a financial aid check, spend it, and then screw off your education, then no one will feel sorry for you when you fail and have to pay all of that money back. People like that shouldn’t even be allowed to be here, because they’re just taking money from people who will work hard for their education.
Stop complaining about these new rules being unfair; you knew exactly what you were getting into when you enrolled in college. If you can’t stick it out and work hard, then college is not for you and you need to go elsewhere and figure your life out.