
Grab a chair at Chairs Coffee House

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The locally owned and operated Chairs Coffee House serves organic coffee from a Spokane roaster.

Chairs, located at 113 West Indiana, opened two years ago and strives to provide an optimal coffee environment.

Chairs employee Brian Freeland said that Chairs’ main ideal is commitment to the community.

“We like to have a quality relationship with the consumers,” Freeland said.

According to Freeland, the main goal Chairs strives for is satisfying the consumer with top-notch service.

“A lot of people are sort of watered down in their coffee experience,” Freeland said.

Freeland thinks consumers are becoming accustomed to the “fast food” version of coffee. He said that Chairs tries to bring back the social aspect to the coffee business.

“It’s very local and community oriented,” Freeland said.

Freeland says that Chairs strives to be the ideal third alternative, the place customers want to be when they’re not at home or at work, while simultaneously providing their employees with a love for coffee. Employee Melissa Bresemann says that one of her favorite things about Chairs is the wide range of people who make up both the patrons and the staff of the business.

“Chairs itself is a very vibrant and eclectic environment and staff,” Bre- semann said. “Our first summer was hard because a lot of our business comes from students,”

Chairs patron Dorian Karahalios says he appreciates the use of a local roaster.

“Every month they do a featured roast, which is pretty cool,” Karahalios said.

Karahalios, who usually visits Chairs once or twice a week, says that his only critique of the Chairs experience is the object the coffee house is named after.

Chairs regular Haylie Hennessy, who visits the coffee house three to four times a week, says that she particularly likes Chairs’ atmosphere.

“It’s nice and open,” Hennessy said. “It’s calming for a break in the middle of my day, it’s nice and relaxed.”

The owners of Chairs are currently in the process of opening up another shop. They intend to have the new location open by this summer.

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